Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Giving when there is nothing left to give...

I have been less than consistently timely in the last year or more with sending out the Daily Chews. I could point to several things that have contributed to my malaise, but two stand out to me. First is that I am tired. Like all to many of us, we find ourselves struggling, trying to make ends meet, trying to make a difference, trying and getting mocked and ridiculed by others for our sacrifices.
Second is that there are two pastors I know who have left the pulpits and write blogs and books mocking and ridiculing those who follow Christ. And I know of other leaders in the Christian community who are very corrupt, mean spirited and preaching false gospels. All of which doesn't cause me to disbelieve, but rather causes me to grieve, which only adds to my malaise all the more.
William Carrol at Times Square Church recently spoke on the power of giving when we are too weak and exhausted to give anymore. It is not something we can do without the power of Christ and His Holy Spirit. Even as Christ hung on the cross that day exhausted, wracked with pain and struggling for each breath, He continued to bless those around Him.
Probably all of us have considered the depth of love He had to continue loving the very ones who condemned Him to die such a horrific death.
It is a love born entirely of the love of the Father for mankind. It is so supernatural that we cannot comprehend it and can only live it when the Holy Spirit moves through us.
There is great evil in this world. Christ overcame evil on the cross. Though Satan fights ferociously and mens hearts are drawn to his evil, our Father still bids us to walk as Jesus walked: dependant on Him, walking in His love, directed by His Holy Spirit.
In the last few weeks, I have received many emails from brothers and sisters in the Lord that were jokes, misinformed clips, and ridiculous items that I have to trust were sent with sarcastic intent. Our patriotic and political musings help us keep abreast of our nation and world. But the Word of God builds us up and sends us out to do His eternal workings. The Lord has been speaking to me again to pick the Daily Chews up and send them out. So I will try to be more diligent.
His Word is the only thing that is eternal and His salvation is the only thing that keeps us from Hell itself.
Let us all be about encouraging one another in Word and in deed in Christ Jesus.