Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The VIP is the other guy!

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
— Philippians 2:3-4, New American Standard

The VIP is the other guy!

"...if there is any encouragement in Christ..." Paul says so that we can be clear that this is how we are to live. As a Christian, the other person is the 'Very Important Person.'

Paul often goes to great lengths as the Lord directs him in his writings to the issue of compassion and love. If we are in Christ, we are a people fully dedicated, fully given to love and compassion. THAT IS THE MIND OF CHRIST. And the only reason any of us would not act this way is because we are not actively engaged in our Lord's written word, the Bible. We may read it and carefully study it, but if we are not living it out, we are not becoming practically what we are to be in Christ Jesus. Shouldn't we be living the way Jesus has shown us???? Shouldn't we be laying our lives down for one another? Shouldn't we be seeing tremendous fruit in the church and in our lives as we see Christ lived out in us as we go about doing the 'good works' he commands of us?

Too many of us in the Christian Church have an attitude of 'me first.' It is an attitude seen in the lack of compassion for people in desperate need; in the judgments and condemnations toward those struggling and those found in sin; and in the unwillingness to touch those who are outcast or diseased. Instead, our calling is to be walking humbly of mind before the Lord, walking as our Lord walked.

If these words produce guilt and accusation, then let it lead to repentance and a deeper love for Christ by following in His footsteps. One thing we Christians can always count on is our Lord's mercies. They are new for us every morning. Let guilt be for the one who knows what good he should do and doesn't do it.

In Matthew 21, Jesus tells the story of a father who had 2 sons. And he called them to himself and asked them to go work in the vineyard. And one son said, "No, I will not go." But he felt regret and then went and did as his father asked. The second son said, "Yes, I will go." But then he did not do as his father asked of him. And Jesus asked the Chief Priests and elders, "Which of the 2 sons did the will of his father?" And they answered Jesus, "The first."

Today, you and I have a choice to make with our lives. Either we can go on as we see fit, doing the things we want to do; or we can do as our Father has asked of us:

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."

The mind of Christ is for others first and always. His love reaches out to all and His people are to go and do likelwise.

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